Australian TPD Claims  


Mental Illness - TPD Claim solicitors - Super Compensation - Australia

LAWYER HELPLINE: 1800 339 958

If you are unable to work because of Mental illness you may be able to make a TPD claim for a lump sum from the Total & Permanent Disablement insurance contained within your superannuation fund. There is no necessity for you to have been involved in an accident or to have suffered a work-related injury to make a TPD claim. If you suffer from total and permanent disability, you may be able to make a TPD claim in addition to receiving your super early as a result of your condition. Our TPD claim solicitors can advise you in detail as to the requirements of a successful submission, they will prepare all relevant paperwork and will obtain full supporting documentation. Our TPD lawyers will give you advice on the likely success of your mental illness claim to a super fund, without further obligation. It costs nothing to use our advice service.

Our TPD claim solicitors use a risk free no win no fee arrangement.

We have offices situated in Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney and Darwin.

Mental Illness - TPD

What is meant by Mental illness?

Mental illness is a broad term used for a range of mental health conditions. Mental health illnesses can be divided into Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, Anxiety disorders, Mood disorders (Depression, Mania), Addictive behaviors and eating disorders and dementia.

Mental illness can affect your mood, behavior and the way you think. Mental health issues can arise in many people due to various stressful conditions which can occur during their life time. This is a natural phenomenon that occurs in many people from time to time. However if the symptoms continue for a long time and if it affects your day to day activities making you unable to function as expected, it becomes a mental illness.

Most mental illnesses do not go away with time. If not treated, it may worsen and lead to serious problems. Mental illnesses are common in society. The effects of mental illnesses may be long lasting. A person can have more than one mental illness at the same time. For example those who are having depression, they can get addicted to substance abuse or if a person is having Bipolar disorder they can have associated eating disorders like Bulimia or Anorexia nervosa etc.


What are the common groups of mental illnesses?

  1. Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders – This is a chronic and severe mental illness which affects how a person feels, thinks and behaves. They lose touch with reality. Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders can be very disabling. Even with successful treatment the illness can recur.
  2. Anxiety Disorders – This is characterized by extreme feelings of anxiety and fear causing constant worry about future events.
  3. Mood disorders – The changes of mood such as in depression constant low mood and in bipolar disorder (manic depressive disorder) with highs and lows. Frequent changes of mood can affect a person’s life style.
  4. Addictive disorders – This is a disorder with substance abuse and dependence commonly excessive alcoholism, chain smoking and abuse of recreational drugs.
  5. Dementia – Decline of memory and thinking skills which can affect a person’s day to day activities.

What are the general symptoms of mental illness?

Depending on what type of mental/ psychiatric disorder you have, your symptoms may vary. The symptoms will occur as changes of behavior, thinking and what you feel (emotions).

The commonly seen symptoms are;

  • Extreme mood changes – high and low moods
  • Feelings of sadness
  • Confusion and poor concentration, lack of attention
  • Social withdrawal
  • Excessive fatigue, poor energy
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Poor appetite, severe changes of eating behavior
  • Changes in sex drive/ libido
  • Excessive anxiety/ fears and worries/ excessive guilt
  • Being paranoid, delusions and hallucinations (detachment from reality)
  • Difficulty in coping with day to day problems and stress
  • Understanding problems in relation to certain people and situations
  • Substance abuse – alcohol and drugs
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Extreme anger and violence issues
  • Sometimes symptoms of mental disorder can occur as physical symptoms such as headache, backache, stomachache and unexplained pains and fatigue


What are the causes of mental illness?

For many mental illnesses, genetics and environmental factors play a role.

  • Genetics – Having certain genes increase your risk of getting mental illness. Family history is risk factor. Usually your life stresses can trigger the illness.
  • Exposure to certain environmental factors while in womb or after birth, such as stress, toxins, drugs and alcohol and inflammatory conditions
  • Changes in brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) which carry signals to and from brain

There are certain identified risk factors which triggers development of mental illnesses. They are;

  • Stressful life situations – loss of a loved one through death or divorce, financial crisis, problems at your work place may trigger an underlying genetic factors leading to mental illness.
  • Chronic physical illnesses causing distress like long standing diabetes, cancer etc.
  • Traumatic brain damage – accidents, contact sports like rugger, baseball causing serious injuries to brain
  • Use of excessive alcohol and substance abuse
  • If you were neglected during your childhood or if you are a victim of child abuse either physical or sexual abuse
  • If you have a past history of mental illness
  • Having a close blood relative with mental illness increases your risk of developing such illness
  • Traumatic experiences like war, during combat and if you are a victim of an assault


What are the possible complications?

If mental illness is not treated appropriately it can cause severe problems. It can disrupt a person’s life style and can lead to behavioral, emotional and even physical problems.

  • Inability to function day to day life
  • Social isolation – relationship issues, family problems
  • Getting abused to alcohol, smoking and recreational drugs
  • Self-harm, suicide, violence, homicide
  • Absence from school, occupation
  • Financial crises, poverty
  • Physical health problems, immune system weaken and infections can occur


When should you seek help?

  • If you feel you have above mentioned symptoms which worries you
  • If your loved ones think that you have symptoms of mental illness
  • If you have suicidal thoughts


What should you do if one of your loved ones shows symptoms of mental illness?

  • Discuss your concerns about the health condition with him/ her openly, do not criticize
  • Encourage your loved one to seek professional help, you can help to get an appointment with a qualified mental health practitioner and may be accompany him or her to the doctor
  • Always give emotional support, be there for him/ her, understand that such symptoms are not permanent and with treatment they will gradually subside.
  • If the loved one has suicidal ideas, consider this as an emergency and seek help soon. You can dial 911 if necessary.
  • Make sure that your loved one is compliant to medication and counseling sessions
  • Be there for your loved one physically and emotionally


How do you prevent mental illnesses?

  • Control your stress levels – Improve self-esteem, practice relaxation and meditation techniques, yoga etc.
  • If you have early warning signs seek help from your doctor/ therapist
  • Have a good sleep; eat a balanced, healthy and nutritional diet, physical exercise helps to improve your physical health. When your physical health is good, automatically your mental health will improve too.
TPD Claim Solicitors

LAWYER HELPLINE: 1800 339 958