Australian TPD Claims  


Cancer - TPD Claim Solicitor - Super Compensation Lawyers - Australia

LAWYER HELPLINE: 1800 339 958

If you are unable to work because of Cancer you may be able to make a TPD claim for a lump sum from the Total & Permanent Disabilty insurance contained within your superannuation fund.

Our TPD claim solicitors use a risk free no win no fee arrangement.

What is Cancer?

Cancer is a set of abnormal cells which divide uncontrollably and faster than normal cells. It spreads into other body tissues and gradually causes destruction. There are more than 200 types of cancers which occur in the human body. The commonest cancers are breast cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancer in both males and females and prostate cancer in males. Cancers can cause early death especially if not identified and treated early.

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world (second only to heart diseases).

What are the signs and symptoms of cancers?

  • Excessive weight loss and loss of appetite
  • Night sweats, low grade fever
  • Persistently swollen lymph nodes
  • Swallowing difficulty
  • Changes in bladder and bowel habits
  • Pain
  • Hoarseness of voice
  • Changes in moles, non-healing ulcers

How do cancers spread?

Cancers spread locally invading into nearby tissues or they can spread through blood vessels and lymph drainage to distant places. When cancer cells break away from the primary site and travel to a distant site, it can form new tumors there. It is called a metastatic tumor.

What are the most aggressive cancers?

Some cancers spread fast and is more severe than others.

  • Lung cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Lymphoma – Non Hodgkin type
  • Leukemia
  • Liver cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Colorectal cancer

What are the risk factors for cancer?

  • Genetics and family history –If you have inherited a genetic mutation that predisposes you to a certain type of cancer, you may have a higher chance of developing cancer than others.
  • Age – Cancers are diagnosed commonly in older people, although cancers can be diagnosed at any age. The risk increases significantly after 50 years of age.
  • Certain medical conditions – Some chronic diseases like ulcerative colitis may make you more prone to developing colorectal cancers.


Above risk factors are nonreversible and beyond your control. However there are many preventable risk factors identified.  By changing your life style you can reduce the risk of developing cancer. The preventable risk factors are,

  1. Smoking
  2. Excessive sun exposure – causes skin cancers like Melanoma
  3. Obesity
  4. Lack of exercise
  5. Stress
  6. Excessive alcoholism – cause liver cancer
  7. Exposure to environmental hazards – Benzene, Asbestos causes lung cancers
  8. Unprotected sexual practices


How do you reduce the risk of developing cancer?

According to cancer prevention guidelines of WHO (World Health Organization) between 30 – 50% of all cancers are preventable.

The following tips provide simple steps and life style changes you can make to fight against cancer.

  • Quit smoking–

Smoking is a proven cause for many cancers including lungs, mouth, throat, esophageal cancers and pancreatic cancers. Even if you are a nonsmoker, frequent exposure to passive smoke will increase the risk of developing cancer.

Your doctor can support you to quit smoking. There are certain medications and Nicotine patches which can help to abstain from smoking. Also avoid passive exposure as much as possible. Avoid tobacco and betel chewing to reduce the risk for oral and throat cancers.


  • Avoid excessive sun exposure –

Wear protective clothing, use umbrellas, large brimmed hats and sun glasses to protect from excessive sun exposure or stay in the shade to avoid harmful rays of the sun. Apply a good sun block of SPF 30 -50 depending on the weather.


  • Eat a Balanced healthy diet –

Eat a diet rich in vegetables, fruits and green leaves. Whole grains and nuts, legumes and lean meats are healthy options. Avoid processed meats like sausages, ham and bacon. Avoid animal fats and refined sugars as much as possible. Use olive oil instead of butter. Eat more fish as protein sources than meats.


  • Maintain a healthy weight – You can achieve a healthy weight through regular aerobic exercise and a proper diet. Visit a dietician and follow a healthy meal plan. Try to maintain your weight through compliance to the plan.


  • Regular exercise – Regular aerobic exercise like brisk walking, jogging, swimming or cycling at least for 30 minutes a day for 3 to 4 days a week will keep you fit and healthy. Regular exercise is known to reduce the risk of cancers of breast and colon.


  • Avoid stress – Practice yoga and meditation techniques to reduce stress, have a good sleep, laugh aloud, stay calm to prevent many cancers.


  • Drink alcohol in moderation – If you cannot avoid taking alcohol, limit it to 1 drink per day for females and 2 drinks per day for males.


  • Immunization – Certain viruses are identified causes of cancers. By taking immunization vaccines to prevent infections, you can reduce the risk of getting certain cancers.

Hepatitis B – Reduce the risk of liver cancer

HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) – Reduce the risk of cervical cancer in females


  • Avoid risky sexual behaviors –

Practice safe sex – Limit your sexual relationships to a single faithful partner or wear condoms to protect you against sexually transmitted infections like HIV and HPV. People who are infected with HIV and AIDS have a higher risk of lung, liver and anal cancers.

HPV infection is a risk factor for cervical cancer and cancers of anus, penis, vagina, vulva and throat.


  • Do not share needles – Protects you from STDs like Hepatitis B, C and HIV. Hepatitis B and C have higher risk for liver cancer. If you have an addiction to drugs always seek professional help.


What are the treatment options for cancers?

There are several treatment options for cancer. They are;

  • Surgical removal (directly remove the tumor surgically)
  • Chemotherapy (use of strong medications to destroy cancer cells)
  • Radiotherapy (Use of X Rays to kill and destroy cancer cells).

Improvements in cancer screening, early detection and treatment has significantly improved the survival rates of cancer patients. Ex: since late 1980s the number of deaths from breast cancer has been decreasing steadily, therefore breast cancer survival has doubled in the past 40 years (Statistics of Cancer research UK).

Are cancers curable?

Some cancers can be cured provided it is not spread and treatment is done early.

Ex: Some Leukemia and lymphomas are curable with chemo and radiotherapy.

Some confined breast cancers and colorectal cancers are curable with a combination of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Rarely cancers can go into remission by itself.

However even with successful treatment cancers can recur.



TPD Claim Solicitors

LAWYER HELPLINE: 1800 339 958